real reddit

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The proof was already there. Anglo countries is going all the way to give China the "Iraq" and "Afghanistan" treatment. r/aznidentity always talked about how Asian men are always portrayed badly in Hollywood and why are Filipino/Thai Miss Universe/World contestants are always mixed with white.

BECAUSE a good portrayal of Asian men or China is demonized by the anti-Chinese people in power who wants Asians to be the villains in "American Snipers" where Muslims Arabs are the bad guys always. In fact, America will use Hollywood as propaganda by ridding Hollywood of Chinese investments.

BECAUSE when Thailand and Philippines tried to use full Thai/Pinay contestants, the influential hapa community in those countries display their contempt and want their country contestant to remain hapa.

We tend to assume people are smart and logical, but there are a lot of dumb people in America and you wonder how they even function. A lot of Americans don't have the mental capability to function because of the drugs, alcohol, cutting class, anti-education attitude in school, and simple mindedness.

Reddit has a lot of white 14-20 years old who aren't mature enough and are just learning history in school so they are arguing with no evidence except on emotion and pride. There are teenagers whose brain is so fucked up by drinking and drugs that they think what they say is fact when they are screaming their opinion.

Americans are herd minded because they see a bunch of people slam China in an anti-China getting ramped up in America, they want to participate in. A lot of these people don't have any information or nuance or been to China or Asia, so they try to distinguish their posts from others and want to get upvoted to raise their karma points (yeah karma points is validation of how good they are in their mind).

Reddit isn't only smart people. There are many stupid morons on here as well. Most jobs in America are general office clerk and receptionist. Basically people who waste time on Reddit during their work time because they aren't doing much with their life.

Not to mention Reddit is mainly used in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany. These are all Anglo countries or Germanic speaking countries. I suspect Sweden, Netherlands, Austria, and other Germanic speaking countries are on Reddit but aren't counted because their population isn't big enough, but its easy for them to write and read in English.

There are also CIA paid person who post on Reddit to sway the narrative. An example of this is u/7hr0w4w4y_00 who made other accounts in the past pretending to be an Asian woman, Asian man, etc and try to spam AgainstHateSubreddit and ShitAmericansSay. He would often post anti-China, anti-Russia, anti-Iran, anti-Trump, anti-Muslim, pro-Israel propaganda. He would always get ban because of ban evasion.

So Reddit is a platform full of fucking idiots and hateful whites who want any amount of power to shame Asians or are racists who see a chance to feel good about themselves.

This is how a white person goes through life:

As a 9 year old kid : T series gay, pewdiepie win

As a 14 year old teen : ch*ng chong

As a 20 year old college student : Asian pussy are horizontal and are easy

As a 28 year old adult : Democracy good, China 1984

As a 35 year old adult : Chinese tourists are the worse, they are loud, they smell, and China oppress Muslims, but I don't want Muslims in my country and cause Sharia law

As a 41 year old adult: China post an economical and technological threat to the US by using Huawei to spy on our 5 eye network. We need to warn our NATO allies that they need to ban Huawei 5G infrastructure or risk NATO failing due to security concerns.

As a 50 year old adult: My Caucasian son is a fucking dumbass because all he does is drink, drugs, spent copious amount of time on the Internet.


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