inaction is action

why no facerig crack
only show crossposts on other discussions tab

so td direct invest is good for rdsp for asset exemptions in disability and so is nestwealth
but national bank is good if over 100k they waive 100 yearly fee and  in longterm

i just hate transactions arent free for td but only etf for natbank
kali linux veil evasion

You shouldn't be sending actual code to a client. Rather, you should have the type definitions on both sides (client and server) and send serialized instances between the two.

stupid reddit mods locked remove threads

Hope it's okay I post this, since it's not technically a question: I made this post yesterday asking for advice or suggestions after hitting bottom with a bad situation: /r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/9w7bcx/im_in_poverty_and_starving_how_do_i_survive_the/

I cannot thank everyone who has reached out to help me enough. I wasn't expecting this at ALL.

I was asleep when the post blew up so I apologize if I missed anyone's message, there was a lot of responses and I couldn't reply to them all. I just wanted to make this post so people know I've received help, plenty of useful suggestions and I'm putting it all to good use today.

I have honestly never seen such generosity in my entire life, and I haven't the words to express how grateful I am. I also just noticed the 100 Reddit Gold and Premium I was given, so thank you to the people/person who did that, also!

So an update for you all:

    Someone suggested (a transcription freelance website), I have signed up, should find out whether I am 'hired' within a week. There was another website someone linked me, which I have bookmarked and will look into tonight.
    I've looked into Sikh temples, found one fairly near me and I have sent them an email (since I am unable to phone) to see what they offer and when
    Someone suggested Project Valhalla (a sort of learn coding project), to acquire some extra skills so I am looking into that also
    Lots of suggestions for recipe and budget blogs and ideas for cheap and easy food, all of which are bookmarked
    Some sneaky tips on things like dumpster diving and helping students write their essays for a price were even suggested - hey anything helps, right?

Have a nice day all, and thank you again I truly appreciate all the kindness you've shown. I've got a warm heart, stocked cupboards and a full belly and feeling very, very grateful this afternoon <3

As for the trolls and naysayers who have sent me abusive messages and stalked my Reddit history to try and call me out (impossible, I'd have to be lying for that), I don't know what to say. Find your own humanity before you try to tear other people's down. I feel sorry for you.

Mods, you can lock this if you want, I just wanted to express my gratitude and to let those who helped (or offered help) know that as soon as I am earning a proper income again I will be in the Pizza sub or similar to feed a few hungry bellies. Thank you again.

I am currently seeking work so my income (unemployment) is extremely low. My city is also 3 x the national average of unemployment according to 'official' statistics, so it's hard to find work, especially as I have no special education and some physical problems meaning I can't do hard labour or heavy lifting. I know some ppl refuse to believe it, but in some places of the world (UK for me), finding a job is legit that difficult.

Anyway, I have £0.66 in my bank until 1st Dec, and nobody to help me. Food banks are too far away on foot given my physical problems (nearest one is 4 miles) and it's raining/icy right now. I have tried selling some things on 3 different websites (local collect type websites cos can't afford ebay) but nobody's biting yet.

Any ideas on surviving until I get paid on 1st December? I contact the Jobcentre every week to ask what they can suggest, but they just keep saying 'borrow money from family' or 'go to a food bank' and I keep telling them it's not possible sadly, or I would.

My cupboards are literally bare and my fridge-freezer is utterly empty. Since I can't have my heating on either, I'm cold, hungry and getting overly-emotional about the fact.

Don't have enough Karma to use the acts of pizza sub or similar and as I say nobody else around to help or bring me food or anything.


P.S. Please don't tell me to 'go get a job', I am trying. I am so tired of hearing people tell me I could 'get a job if I really wanted one'. The real world doesn't work like that for everyone, unfortunately. Thank you for reading.

Edit: Thank you for your kind words and helpful suggestions, I'm going to look into all of your app and website suggestions straight away, I appreciate the civility it's a rare thing to see on Reddit sometimes <3


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