The biggest challenge
True. Just outright saying you can’t work wouldn’t be accurate, but that doesn’t mean we don’t face roadblocks that are invisible to “normal” people. Maybe it would be easier without the pressure there is to find and keep a job in the first place. I’ve been homeless and I’ve been on disability, but neither option is ideal. I’m also lucky to have a partner who supports me and a huge benefit is that I’m always there for them. Turns out you can support someone in other ways even if it’s difficult to hold down a job. I also feel capable, but half the battle is convincing the rest of the world that you have certain limitations. I think you described it perfectly about having to half kill yourself with little or no payoff. I’d like to think the world is changing, but I guess we’ll see .
My mom gets scary she gives a blank look then starts screaming and banging my door
I'm frustrated the whole world says that everyone can work. Don't they know it's an employer's market now?
1958 pychonaut97 in Anxiety
People with a mental illness are not lazy. They have to face an internal battle everyday. And we all know loosing the battle is not an option. We literally have the biggest, most important job possible. Keeping ourselves sane and alive.
Work/School • 136 Comments • self.Anxiety • 2 wk ★
it just sucks that we have this guilt.
It’s a full time job some days coping with having a mental illness.
On particularly bad days I would love it if someone would acknowledge what a rough day I had and my proud of me for making it through my day.
Most people have no concept of how difficult it can be to get out of bed let alone go into work. To most, it can look like we are just lazy.
I have a cousin who quit working early in his life and claimed he couldn't because of his mental illness. I had the impression he was just using as an excuse since I also have severe mental health issues but managed to work my whole life. Right now though my mental health got much worse and trying new meds and all the side effects and misery that comes with it. I can see where holding a full time job would be difficult. I was good for years but now really struggling. I don't see my cousin as being lazy now.
It depends. Everyone is different, and deals differently.
Posting info or memes about depression is done sometimes for others’ information. There are so many people who still believe depression isn’t real - memes may possibly reach someone and help them understand it isn’t just laziness/selfishness. Can you imagine if you were sick, but no one else could tell but you? And worse, no one believed you?
If people are posting and tagging, then obviously the poster is trying to communicate as directly as they may feel comfortable as to why they haven’t called/answered calls/shown up in a bit. I would never tell anyone who is feeling depressed to keep it to themselves or off social media.
well first of all is she cutting you a check every month ? close friend or not its none of her business whether you work or dont work shes not paying your bills so she has no need to worry . 2nd its not your fault shes a single mom who has all kinds of shit to do and responsibilities she needs to handle . if she cant be understanding of your situation then she not being a good friend and you deserve more . a friend shouldnt make you feel guilty . your issues have nothing to do with her and id tell her so if i was you .. best of luck
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