fuck copyright trolls

images always saved as smaller size on both mobile chrome firefox as 184kb when really 1mb
but saves correctly when sharing image by gmail in context menu
i was comparing images and noticed the output in before after collages app was always pixellated even in the correct size version
images fades to appear in the blog
i cant find out why
when my gran yells at me to eat dinner kicking my feet while dad sighing coughing tapping chopsticks
i claw my back hand they stop

damn my photo app always uploads by date guess ill need to do it from the gmail app next time. then the order cant be changed if i make amistake in the ordering 

today i finished vanquish 5.5hours fir two weeks and megaman 11 6h42min since yesterday 6 hours today 42mins and meow motors tracks kept crashing so i skipped second track but forgot to increase graphics
and i downloaded tweetcaster for twitter to post above paragraph but no edit button for writing vanqui 
bye twitter i came as fast as i went to twitter 

for grip combat racing https://steamcommunity.com/app/396900/discussions/0/2592234299534606926/?ctp=16#c1500126447384818541
1) I find the presentational effect of the Disruptor to be weirdly unsettling and consequently out of place in this kind of game; it essentially turns the sense of atmosphere from one of family-friendly action to that of a horror. I mean, you've got a muffled heartbeat combined what appears to be a faintly visible blood vessel, and a chilling sound to top it off, which is the sort of thing that would aptly compliment a situation of terror-filled suspense and such, but to me, absolutely doesn't belong in Grip. It's obviously not a game-breaking aspect of design, though I really do hope it gets changed to something atmospherically lighter, or at the very least, changed to something just less... weird.
yet he has the frerpiest avatar of question voice from justice league. brought me childhood nightmares watching it with my dad but still hreat show 


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