shooter 911
40.8k jabberwockxeno in technology
Congress Is About to Ban the Government From Offering Free Online Tax Filing. Thank TurboTax.
Politics • 3071 Comments • • 8 hrs

today us tarriffs ubrelated cheese wine eu goods over airbus subsidies. weeks after boeing killed tons 

Could the optics of this be any worse?  Boeing kills hundreds of people with defective planes.  Then only weeks after the last incident the US starts a tariff war against Airbus, the largest competitor of Boeing.  They have to be trying to look evil, right?

it was tragic reading australia subreddit upset over 4chan 8ch liveleak. optus bans dns and vpn.  cant post with tor or vpn.  as much as i hate 4chan its interesting 

funny the antiwork fidcord never mentioned it 
funny that neet republic is shutting down cuz the admin, a lesbian manic possibly bipolar girl building a robot waifu, left and gavr arby the owner ship.  

i fantasize my cousin in colombia getting shot by russian soldiers defending a 711.  

ive been wondering why no github app allows editting code for free
i switched to google drive

puffin browser wont even let me use flash once without a 30 second ad like wtf

got 4.5 stars


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