lifepath of a wannabe programmer

[–]BurntOutProgrammer 3 points  
I'm pretty much like you except for the Japanese and living abroad thing. At 27 I started a company, made a little money, but ultimately failed after two years. I'm 29 and NEET again. I know I will never do programming for a company, I don't have the discipline or will power to endure that. I see my only option as being an independent developer, but that requires even more work than a programmer in a specific role. So my thoughts are... you better get used to working as a programmer professionally as quickly as possible, because being in the NEET jungle makes your will weak for that type of disciplined work. If you don't figure out how to make use of your CS skills professionally, you are probably looking forward to a long life of regret as you watch other CS people rise up in the world and come to dominate the future. Every day will be a reminder that you let opportunities pass you by, that you could have done the next big thing in tech, and you let these things pass for what ... a life of nonexistence? To be glued to the internet and other devices of escape for the rest of your life?
At least this is what I feel like is in store for me if I don't get my act together quickly. Even if we are out of work as programmers, we still have to keep making things ... things that solve problems, not just toys and hobby programs. I've seen older programmers ... it's not a pretty sight. Realistically you only have about 15 years left in your programming career. Once you get over 30-35, if you haven't made a name for yourself, be prepared for incredible stigma. I've seen some of these programmers over the years. They got old and didn't really do anything spectacular and this put them in an even lower rank than a programmer just out of college. Two I know are severely depressed and seem like they are just a few more letdowns between them and a gun in the mouth.
This shit is no joke. If you cannot use your youth to position yourself for your older ages, when you don't have the energy and health you do now, you are most likely in for a world of hurt.


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