Fools day is dumb

Dear diary
Today I played myself on april fools day
I used vpn to download porn the other day and my reddit was locked.  Thought I was acked, and 2fa needed me to sync my time to my carrier network.

I hated the fake kosmos update but I am thrilled cheat engine was released 3 weeks ago.  I could not get it to work though need Kosmos

Today I am shocked april had so many Tweety stickers, yet, I did not notice.  I will ask her where she bought them if she remembers.  Some other guy came heretaking my chair but sitting at Joel's PC.  Yet I sit at April's not being able to acccess the database on my account on my computer only.  Michael is not coming back until 1130AM.  I will ask him if I can come in at 11.

My mother allowed me to change my time because I said I was gonna kill myself.  The reason for my upset this morning was all my sores in my mouth and fingers I keep getting.  I bite cheek when I am stressed or tired.  Good thing the fluoride had little effect.  Unfortunately, I could not say the same for my retainer.  I woke up with a raised lined against my cheek, which, fortunately, healed soon after I painfully brushed my teeth and painfully rinsed.

Last night I had trouble sleeping, so I opened LesPark app and I was thrilled I understood so much Mandarin on the live feeds.


I do not understand why but I often fear the SA trade war with Canda and Albertans withholding our oil over a stupid pipeline, thsu emptying our shelves.  I also fear Russians hacking our elections, and I am disgusted by how much everyone hates BC it is such a joke.  Despite are 43 deaths a day from opioid crissis, I never witness a dead hobo in RIchmond because they are in private dwellings forutnately.  People still see the homeless and drug addiction as one entity even though only 30 percenet of hobos do drugs.  That is lower than the prison population.  Many OD victims were employed at the time.

On another note, I am despondent that 60 percent of all jobs are medical or construction, , not excluding the office jobs due to insufficient data.

In my opinon, the criteria of functional should be waking up before 8 AM and not earning enough to survive.  The minimum wage laws skew the criteria and government help programs as well for finding jobs.  I can survive in Canada working part time as a a dishwasher in Canda .  This will not be the case in South Africa. In another case, I cannot survive as a freelance web developer in Canada, however, I can do so in an Indian slum.  To take it on another level, French disability is completely livable on its own, but other places have workfare.  I have an official Aspie diagnosis on a high functioning level.  I am unsure how that would fly in Alberta, but I know a mild handicap counts in BC.  In conclusion, I could function on my own in Alberta.

I learned that the army rejects anyone that has taken medication for over 6 months or has autism.  It fascinates me, since most army recruits tend to be grasping their last straws.  However, someone will autism will indubitably act awkward.  I had a nurse shout at me for holding my crotch.  I kept apologizing butshe did nto understand I needed to keep my gown up.  so I just saw a backup error on my computer. 


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