So my GST notice had no sin fuck me
I worried but couldn't execute a 2nd email
I keep reading these threads where girls get dumped for not being employed. While I don't want a bf it grosses me out. I'm shocked anyone would care how others think especially such crucial interests are different. Idbe disgusted someone can be so not understanding same with those who walk off like NPCs. I'm disgusted by how any dent to the rules are met with inexplicable silence.
Sometimes it's because you say something they never thought of before. Most NT conversations follow familiar scripts of how to talk about things. When you say something original, you go off script. Being off script make most NTs feel "awkward". This feels so bad to them (like dying), that it makes them want to flee.
When you detect that pause, all a question that's easy to have an opinion on. It will let them go back on script, and everyone will stick around.
People are waiting for you to ask an obvious question to make sure the system never breaks. Can these numbskulls not drawl annnywaysss like I'm an annoyance. I dunno what I want but I wish people aren't so quick to blacklist you for an infraction only a normie would understand yet they could never explain.
My blood boils from those who refuse facts. A thread of a hobo getting a house has a comment saying the way of life is forcibly working yet he did not dare specify it's glaringly what he feels . 35 up ktes from the sheep who only seethe in envy denying mentally ill can't work despite just mentioning it exists. They think they know but they do not otherwise they would see it as an insurance not a fight like universal healthcare.
This is the comment get a job my guy this lifestyle isnt gonna be sustainable forever
i read your ama and yes mental issues and disabilities are a thing but in your own words you admitted that you're "lazy" and not used to working for things. i may sound like an asshole but ur young and in ur 20s, this will only get worse as u age. at least strive to make a living
surprsied this got upvoted honestly was expecting neg downvotes. and i put it as nicely as possible. there are people working their asses off, single parents etc. trying to sustain themselves and others. here the guy is, being proud he got government housing when he is capable of self improvement and striving to make a living while others are working their asses off, yes even people with mental and physical illnesses and disabilities
ental illness is a thing i know people who have been afflicted and its not easy, but u arent physically disabled my dude. go out there and seek something. dont overwhelm yourself, take baby steps but for goodness sake move forwards not backwards. this isnt something to be proud of. something to be proud of is taking that first step into working for a living
This asshole got 70 upvotes I hope they all become disabled and kill themselves. ama dude had fucking psychosis
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