
Mcdonalds too far and fuck the 11am breakfast weekends its understaffed

A mile is too far
Its 16min away  too far.0.8miles

This ssme guy Yeah, its like a 25 minute walk. I actually really like walking in cities, so I prefer to walk if its safe, but being that late, I may just end up taking an Uber. Thanks for the feedback!

I cant even begin to count how many times Ive heard people lamenting over losing 10lbs and how they would kill someone to just have it gone, like they literally cant just eat right and go for a walk once a day for a few months and have it be reality. Ive seen big girls (and some guys too) obsess over wanting to be fit and dreaming about a different life in which they were and how great it would be. I just want to scream, “You can have that! You can literally be that hot, toned, in shape girl! In this life, in this reality, in a comparably small amount of time, you can be that girl that makes other girls wish! Its not even hard, it just takes discipline. Literally anyone can do it, barring physical handicaps.”  /rant Sorry, just one of my pet peeves.


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