debunking myths


no fleshlights dont feel realistic enough inside

2. no high rda erodes dentin as long as under 250

3. plus listerine dont cause diabetes if no alcohol


6 percent in developing countries take antipsychotic s unlike 61 in usa so better outcomes
however with that controlled is no difference

controlling for genes education and stress from poverty and being an immigrant makes living rural a statistically insignificant difference of 35 percent from city in developing schizophrenia


no autistic people dont have trouble thinking globally opposed to locally they just prefer it
autists listen to multiple contexts opposed to just one in nt
r leekam
Conclusions: [Our] findings demonstrate that children with autism do not have a general difficulty in connecting context information and item information as predicted by weak central coherence theory. Instead the results suggest that there is specific difficulty with complex verbal stimuli and in particular with using sentence context to disambiguate meaning."[8]

have a tendency for fragmented perception (Jarrold & Russell, 1997; Happé, 1996), and that they benefit less from the context of meaning in sentences, narratives and memory tests 


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