nobody special 🌟⃠just fine πŸ₯€

kinda bummed my gf dumped me but it is for the better.  shes in hk and theres not much future here plus i cant support her to immigrate

she wouldnt want someone as unambitious and poor as me

i cant help but make ppl hate me. i dunno wat i say

i do cringy things ... sometimes on purpose

believe it or not i thought humans were stock cardboard 
shed change her mind and let me move in
whelp lemme tell you she says im privileged to live where i am and i can tell she intends for us to drift apart

i miss the days bloggers write about their lives or had bios in youtube channels. hypnospace outlaw makes me miss watching drama
i mean we got and kiwifarms but its not the same.  instagram and streaming is too shallow. jordyn ryder says ppl unsub if she writes on life they just want pix 
im a nosy person reading steam profiles for gaming stats and iknowwhatyoudownload learning russians are pedos 

i hate stealth horror 
sooo many walking sims rpgmakers vn yet ppl do buy this shit
i cant believe ppl will bother playing a sub 75 rating game i mean i understand aaa like mordor 2 watchdogs farcry5 but its not 'branded'
should i bother with consortium or submerged
i dont get tycoon games maybe its like a petsim or visiting a park i guess its soothing 

here i am telling myself to watch a movue but im reading dumb studies and blog ging at 11

i brought up the textbook insurance thing like i just wanna keep ma away
dad thinks sales in continue ed is useless too but got mad ignore me after i bring up

good lil slave keep scrolling

i burn my bridges on a discord pretending to be a male incel. gosh they hate women im a dirty liar
feels like fight club 

i go on reddit looking for answers for a question that im not sure why i ask. its more of a feeling.  depression on autopilot.
its not killing boredom
i wanna move but dont have docs to apply disability elsewhere. my parents have them.  mom is a controlling bitch saying she wont even let me take my clothes. fuck em
theyve my sin

my charging cord chafes me

nobody wanna hire me. i dont care if i get stabbed by a forklift. moving out is better than staying with my family who resents me.  im finding a warehouse job. i wish i could answer like an experienced salesperson. 


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