
so the restaurant said no partner on weekends i say i only on konday he said no so i leave. hes fine i lezve now if u really need

im more mad and bothered i missed the black car that hit my car with door dumb fat bastard
i saw pc957in lansdowne  before was undure now im sure eating at the restsurant with my family i sae it . i thought was pct0
looks like they come earlier niw to avoid me
gonna key their car

last time dad rush me when saw car aaaaahhhh not gonna let that happen again

back to the work restaurant they called another dishie already to help.  kiran was busy ignoring me when i said bye

the STRiFE release is reencoded to remove black bars (per scene rules), so it could be visibly degraded.

in a limited article site vanity i read about a 14 year old boy who pretended mi6 to get a 16 year old to hangout blow and kill him bc hes drpressed about gay sex
i rrmembered bi wlmen more depressed and duicidal than straight and lesbians lesding me yo think they feel too beta for a girl and needing to adhere to masculinity bc they like girls but got damaged used.

Your nose plugs up as a bodily function. It's not the 'virus' that does it. Which is why normally one is plugged and the other isnt.

When you get your heart moving your body needs more oxygen now, which is more important for survival than the work on your sinuses. So it opens.

This is also why in a minute you'll be plugged up again when your heartrate settles.


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