east coast



[–]Lanko 37 points 20 days ago*

Nah stuff like this happens all the time in this country. These kids are 17. They're in that age group where they KNOW they're untouchable by the law. Any crime they commit the communities will look the other way on because they don't want to ruin your future. ESPECIALLY if they commit those crimes on each other. This happens Primarily in small rural towns across canada with high crime rates.

Had they just thrown her in a bush somewhere and made her walk home, she would have gone home and never talked about it.

Everybody from highschool would know about it but the adults would all just look the other way.

The locals would pass it off as kids being kids. When those kids grow up, they'll turn into adults who pass this behavior off as kids being kids.

Anybody from that age group who witnessed anything would keep their heads down and refuse to collaborate if she wanted to prosecute.

The incident would be entirely forgotten by next year by everybody except the victim who would move as far away from that community as she can at the first chance she gets.

This one only managed to gain any traction in the first place because she escaped the car and went directly into the gas station. Meaning there was staff witnesses, cameras, a 3rd party 911 call, and a subsequent emergency room visit DURING the act of the crime.

If the victim had been left to report and follow up on all those things herself the police wouldn't have done anything about it. Too much effort.

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[–]getawaytricycle 30 points 20 days ago

In 7th or 8th grade a girl in my class was beaten badly in a manner similar to this girl: hair ripped out, arm broken, ribs broken, face smashed. Rumours are also that the other girls pissed on her and took photos. She never came back to our school, but every single student knew it happened, who did it and why.

Admittedly this is circa 2000, but it didn't even make the local newspaper.

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[–]forlorn_bandersnatch 12 points 20 days ago

Why did it happen? I can't imagine what could possibly deserve such a punishment

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[–]getawaytricycle 28 points 20 days ago

If you're asking what reason was given, the rumours were something like someone's brother asked her out and she said no, or she kissed him at a party and then ignored him. Something trivial that only feels important when you're 14.

It happened because it was a tiny town in the ass end of nowhere, with nothing to do but be bigoted, horrible shits to each other.

I am surprised this isn’t getting more media coverage. The victim had fingernails pulled off, hair pulled out, water poured down her throat and was attacked by a dog.

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[–]Old_KendelnobieAlberta 149 points 20 days ago

You would be surprised how little these things get traction. This happened about 1.5 hrs away and no really knew about it. Not in this article is how they found him by chance as he was walking to his friends/relatives house for reinforcements


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