
Til gog dont update as fast and paging files help ram
Also fg has a bf
Also redirect links to 500 server error if use adblock

Also pct0ct dinged my car. Dad granny didnt do shit I was in shock I told mom. They denied knowing even tho I saw them facing the fat black jacket man cap back chinese in black SUV with bear bc license plate

They hired someone already in kins even after I was promised second interview

I'd like to learn to drive so I could move into cardrpendent cities that have jobs

7 minutes to get her photo on discord. She has a bf
Rbe drunk driving taught me research drug  4 aco dmt legal

Also tumblr ban porn 17th
Drho works cure neck pain

I've been waiting for sexbots for years I've tried forcing myself to smile constantly
Now I find it hard to smile for a picture


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