
dec 22reinx announce cheats ysy
I can login mylangara without the page it tells me to go to
til I redo stat bc c minus
I hate school
I'm so stressed ed2go

why sciresmpx name
why cant copy but can highlight ed2go firefox
why sound like Yoda

yesterday I learned autism can remember stories or complex social sentences
I feel real down today.  I had those bad dreams again. flashbacks bullied in high school
awkward as hell

sad music downstairs
alone in a cold dark room
eyes groggy tired
half awake but part of me cant go back to sleep
a bright big rectangle shines in contrast to the room
I was never included with a group of girls. dumb to sit at the front. dumb luck with the wrong teammates
I wish richmond wasnt always so rushed
I hate how ppl work instead of hanging out with me


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