short games reviews

My friend pedro was so stylish and fun.  I loved spinning around and squeezing through the bullets.  i loved the battles switchign my weapons so fast and grenading enemies.  zinging around dropping bombs unleashing chaos. 

Amid evil was so gorgeous but the nnarrow long curvy bridges on episode 6 killed me.  I loved the action and the enemies spawning seems fair.  hitting the enemies feels like a duel and the map was both splendid yet strategic.  pinning the enemies to the walls from flying spikes with my mace was funny.  the impact of each hit feels powerful.  I love neon aesthetic.

the hex had me craving more everytime because the gameplay was so vary.  The glitches made me feel in awe like pony island.  The gameplay modifications made me feel nostlagic for old days.  I loved how real the games were.  I had so much fun playing.

nex machina was really pretty I loved the spider bot designs and rescuing the humans.  I had to rush into enemies slicing through them like ninjas through varied level shapes. I really enjoyed my flight on this rollercoaster.
luckys tale was fun to look at and i like exploring and jumping at the right time it was cool to go around many places jumping to many different type of levels

iris fall too hard too confusing.  i hated guessing which platforms to step on is right and the rubix cube.  it looked cool and cute though.  i liked the comic shading

cuphead It was so cool and a first to see kicking the pink balls.  the bulletstorm patterns would shuffle out of nowhere.  I felt rewarded jumping on the enemies to get to the boss.  The ghost sections with the vase was the first time I enjoyed waves and arenas.  I held my breath hoping to find out what the new powerup was.

ori I enjoyed the graphics I felt like i was dreaming in a paintingI just hated the swings.  flipping through laser beams bouncing on different walls slipping through secret logs felt smooth.  I could plan my movements as if i was ori.  the game had glowing balls to upgrade my abilities and i was dying to reach them because the sections were fun.  i enjoyed swigning on the vines and shooting at the enemies.  teh color scheme was well done.

max and the magic marker was very creatiave.  I had to to solve the puzzles and enjoyed collecting the eyes.  I liked cutting the branches or drawing the vines.  i felt like a god drawing the pillar from the ground.  the 3d backgrounds was eye candy

rad rodgers was actionpacked.  i was blasting enemies from all directions and climbing up platforms to shoot at the nemies below.  I felt so much thrill when i am so fast.
vanquish was awesome

titanfall was super fun.  climbing the walls to get to secrets and fighting the mech battles was amazing.  I had to back up and felt like we were actually fighting.  i would weave around the opponent with my samurai sword.  The battles were fast and all over the map.  It didnt fell scripted at all.  All the enemies felt living and breathing.  I enjoyed the environments.  it was gorgeous going along the waterfalls and kicking robots.  my missile rockets were fun to watch different thigns blow up.  i jumped from the top of watchtowers and hills and giant slopes.  the battles were grand.  slicing mechs have never been so much fun pounding them on the head. 

vanquish was so memorable I dream of it.  i really enjoyed it.  I was never tired or exhausted because the game always captured my attention.  I got to slide under giants stop time and kill badguys everywerher i go.  It excels on every map . vaulting over office tables in an office that didnt feel too small was fun.  they had this boss i get to shot gun.  i enjoyed shotgunnging enemies.  the levels felt connected and i enjoyed my trip to the future.  it was so cool.  how wide the map was and i took down the enmies behidn every cover one by one.

bulletstorm was awesome i got to use electric whips to pull thigns to me.  I enjoyed stomping the helpess enemies cautght in my hook.  i loved the funky colorful maps.  they had a bullet that i can control like singularity which i reallly enjoyed as well.  i enjoyed incinerating enemies in their tracks

shadow complex was loads of fun getting new weapons trying different ways to kill them.  I enjooyed climbing throught the facilities hunting th esecrets.  I climbed everything because the game mad em feel like i shouldnt be in the secret palces like a futuristisc base in a cave.  i climbed platforms and jumped and crawled.  none of it was repetitive. 

sonic racing felt sexy watching cars transform through lush environments shiny cities and the race tracks.  I get to becoem a plane going through hoops in a stylish abandoned futuristic city with moss.  I felt liek a pinball.  I didnt like the water sections which were open ended.  I could never go to the ramps on  time but i loved the weapons it was satisfying.

i loved ryse because of the graphics atmosphere and my fast sword.  i kind of felt more like a tank thoguh.  i would dodge enemies and becoem powerful from it.  i liked the marketplace and old ruins it felt authentic.  the sunlight was peerfect.  i just enjoyed watching the different executions.

hat in time had so mnay mods.  i was jumping form izplines and hooks.  i enjoyed platforming on giant baots.  nyakuza metro was so much fun because of the exploration.  i liked going up springs and honing in on the ledges.  i double jumped and jumped from walls.  i loved being able to go wanywaerhe climbing climbing down jumping through different places figuring how to get somwhere.  i t felt dynamic.  i loved the deminsional skin.

senua was gorgeous.  just look a tthe screenshots and you will want to keep exploring.  i loved the nature.  i was mystified by the runes and finding stone ladders to climb.  i got to see atmospehres from dark castles to giant bridges in a big hole and villages with broken poles.  i liked seeing how the environment the most.  i enjoyed the combat dodging and parrying them.  there was a lot to do.  i was slicing them through a flurry of spins and stunnig them next i was narrowly dodging a hit.  i was gripped the whole time.  i needed to look at every detail it was insane.  the graphics ere realistic.

valley was a really fun first person platformer.  it felt fluid and i enjoyed gunning down enemie. i loved the look of the foreset and how well orchestrated the environemtns and level design was.  i enjoyed looking at the vaastness of the map and seeing all the hills mountaint and valleys.  it was breathtaking.

a story of my uncle pllued me in.   i enjoyed hooking to flying rocks seeing wehre i would land.  calculating my my speed vertigo and all the places where i can reach.  i felt no limits going everywehre i kept turning to more georgeous visuals.  i never felt nauseous.  i wanted to see wehr ei would go next going through tunnels rocks .  but i hit a wall.

monument valley was relaxing and mesmerizing.  it was mindboggling watching the castles turn into totally differentbulidingfroma single switch.  it folded out like a kids book.  it was like watching the music visuals but as a game.  the colours were gorgeous.   i couldnt stop playing or put it down.

foursite was such a fun doom wad  i enjoyed gunning odwn enemies in prisons castles.  i had to shoot and look around quickly.  they would sneak up behind me in gaps and i got to just sidestep to dodge all the flying projectiles.  i felt vulnerable.

I loved playing INSIDE because it was really innovative.  i got to drag along a cart get mind controlled zombies to help me up and play as a badass rolling thingy.  i loved going through the maps and climbing the moving ladders.  i was jumping through hols on the floor opening new entrances and always running.   nothing broke the flow and i liked the jumping it flowed smoothly.  the platofrming were felt nice.

far lone sails was like final station. it was a surival game wehre i kept finding thing to keep my boat moving.  i loved the sails opening up the red and white.  i enjoyed figuring how to get things from a giant warehouse.  there was lots of platofrming and putting out fires.  i felt very calm in the cold dark desert all alone.  i liked the isolating feeling and tge hooks pulleys elvators.

megaman 11 i loved the varied attacks from teh enemeies.  there were small platforms and tall platofmrs.   the re were a lot of pulleys and conveyere belts.  i enjoyed blasting away the bosses armour and it feel orgasmic blasting his insides.  i had to use different attacks strategically from different paltofrming siutations since im always surrounded from enemeies.  i got boucny balls, stick on bombs, machineguns giant bullets rockets flames.  there was a eapon for every stituation the devs have thought of everything.  also the game was cute and colourful as hell.  


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